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Head of the project

Vanessa Py-Saragaglia

  • CNRS researcher at GEODE
  • (CNRS-University of Toulouse, France)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Environmental archaeology and charcoal analysis, interdisciplinary approaches in environmental history
  • Long-term forest history/dynamic in European mountain areas, woodland and wood uses, management of natural resource

Management team

Antoine Brin

  • Lecturer in ecology and conservation biology, researcher at Dynafor (INRAE-INPT, France)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Ecology, Entomology, Saproxylic beetles
  • Development and assessment of indicators of biodiversity; biological value of forest ecosystems; relationship between forest management and biodiversity

Sylvain Burri

  • CNRS researcher at TRACES
  • (CNRS-University of Toulouse, France)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Archaeology, history, ethnoarchaeology
  • Forest history and archaeology from an environmental and socio-economic perspectives during the medieval and post-medieval periods

Mélanie Saulnier

  • Post-doc researcher, Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (Czech Republic)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Forest ecology, dendrochronology, charcoal analysis
  • Resilience of forests to global changes using dendrochronology; legacy effect of past natural and anthropogenic disturbances and current global changes on forest dynamics

Ruppert Vimal

  • CNRS researcher at GEODE
  • (CNRS-University of Toulouse, France)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Biology and geography of conservation
  • Development of spatial methods to assess and plan environmental policies and associated social drivers shaping such expertise; interaction between scientific rationality and socio-political dynamics at the science/policy interfaces

Scientific team

Marie Bal

  • Lecturer in geography (University of Limoges, France) and
  • researcher at GEODE (CNRS-University of Toulouse, France)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Geography, fire signal, soil charcoal analysis
  • History of agro-pastoral landscape and heritage value

Sandrine Buscaino

  • CNRS Technician at GEODE
  • (CNRS-University of Toulouse, France)
  • Field investigations, management of samples, soil charcoal analysis

Cécile Brun

  • Lecturer in ecology and palaeoecology (University of Nantes, France) and
  • researcher at GEODE (CNRS-University of Toulouse, France)
  • Botany, palaeoecology, pollen analysis
  • History of exotic species, past landscape evolution

Carine Calastrenc

  • CNRS research engineer at TRACES / FRAMESPA
  • (CNRS-University of Toulouse, France)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Agro-pastoral archaeology, non-invasive archaeology (LiDAR)

Raquel Cunill Artigas

  • Post-doc researcher at GRAMP research group, Geography department
  • (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Geography, soil charcoal analysis
  • Holocene landscape evolution and forest dynamics; anthropization of mountain landscape

Mihaela Danu

  • Researcher at Faculty of Biology – Research Department
  • (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi, Romania)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Palynology (pollen; non-pollen palynomorphs) and phytoliths
  • Past interactions between societies and environment; reconstruction of landscapes evolution

Didier Galop

  • CNRS Senior Researcher at GEODE
  • (CNRS-University of Toulouse, France)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Palynology, NPP analysis, fire signal, historical ecology
  • Mountains environmental history and Human-Environment interactions; reconstruction of Pyrenean landscapes evolution

Charles Gers

  • CNRS Senior Researcher at EcoLab
  • (CNRS-University of Toulouse, France)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Pedology, biology of soils, taxonomy of soil microarthropods
  • Anthropogenic impacts (recent and/or past) on edaphic biodiversity and vegetation

Sylvie Guillerme

  • CNRS Senior Researcher at GEODE
  • (CNRS-University of Toulouse, France)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Geographer specialist in Human-Environment interactions and socio-spatial dynamics
  • In the BENDYS project she will focus on the stakeholders' practices and perceptions

Vincent Labbas

  • Associate researcher at TRACES
  • (CNRS-University of Toulouse, France)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Archaeology, Architectural archaeology, dendrochronology
  • Wooden building, timber extraction and circulation, forest management

Laurent Larrieu

  • PhD Associate researcher at Dynafor (INRAE-INPT, France)
  • and CNPF Forest ecology
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Dynamic of primeval forests, forest management, deadwood and Tree-related microhabitats, biodiversity indicators

Gaël Le Roux

  • CNRS research director at EcoLab
  • (CNRS-University of Toulouse, France) Biogeochemistry
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Biogeochemical fluxes in remote environments; trace metals derived from past mining and metallurgical activities

Eric Maire

  • CNRS research engineer at GEODE
  • (CNRS-University of Toulouse, France)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Remote sensing and social inquiries

Sophie Manzi

  • CNRS engineer at EDB (CNRS-
  • University of Toulouse-IRD, France)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Historical anthropology, archaeology and mycology

Florence Mazier

  • CNRS researcher at GEODE (CNRS-University of Toulouse, France)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Palynology, modelling
  • Reconstruction of mountain landscape evolution interacting with human practices

Marcel Mindrescu

  • Associate Professor (Habil.) at Department of Geography (“Ştefan cel Mare” University, Suceava, Romania) and head of the Carpathian Interdisciplinary Research Center (CIRC)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Palaeolimnology, geosciences
  • Lacustrine sediments and mountain landscape evolution, climate changes

Mélanie Roy

  • Assistant professor at University of Toulouse and researcher at EDB (CNRS-University of Toulouse-IRD, France) and associated professor to Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Expert in ecology of fungal communities, especially mycorrhizal fungi, in tropical, boreal and temperate forests
  • In the project, I am focusing on soil communities and their response to landscape use and biogeography, analysed through next generation sequencing techniques

Miroslav Svoboda

  • Professor at Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences (University of Prague, Czech Republic) and head of the Department of Forest ecology
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Forest ecology, forest dynamics, dendroecology

Calin Tamas

  • Associate Professor (Habil.) at Babes-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca, Romania) and associate researcher at TRACES (CNRS-University of Toulouse, France)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Mining archaeology, geology and mineralogy
  • Geological resources, mining activity through long time and the impact of mining and ore processing on landscape and vegetation

Benjamin Pey

  • Lecturer in functional ecology at INP/ENSAT (Toulouse, France) and researcher at EcoLab (CNRS-University of Toulouse, France)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Soil functional trait biodiversity
  • Functional assessment of forest soil springtails

Magali Philippe

  • CNRS Assistant engineer at GEODE (CNRS-University of Toulouse)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Evaluation of ecosystem services, portable X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, soil chemistry

Nicolas Poirier

  • CNRS researcher at TRACES (CNRS-University of Toulouse, France)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Archaeology and non-invasive archaeology (LiDAR)
  • Habitat and territory dynamics

François de Vleeschouwer

  • CNRS researcher at Instituto Franco-Argentino para el Estudio del Clima y sus Impactos (UMI IFAECI/CNRS-CONICET-UBA-IRD) Dpto. de Ciencias de la Atmosfera y los Oceanos, FCEN, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentine)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Elemental and isotopic geochemistry
  • Tracing environmental changes; reconstructing natural and anthropogenic dust fluxes and sources during the Holocene; impact of mining activities over time

PhD Students

Ancuta Petras

    • PhD student in Physical Geography at Department of Geography (“Ştefan cel Mare” University, Suceava, Romania)
    • Fire signal
    • Reconstruction of vegetation fires and environmental human impact

Léonel Fouédjeu Foumou

  • PhD student at GEODE CNRS-University of Toulouse)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Charcoal analysis, dendroanthracology, dendrochronology
  • Human-Environment interaction; forest history and woodland management


Evan A. Fisher

    • Postdoctoral researcher, Science and Technology Studies at GEODE CNRS-University of Toulouse)
    • Specializing in the anthropological study of field sciences and the politics and ethics of care
    • Will contribute to the BENDYS project through analysis of the relations between the production of scientific expertise and the politics of conservation

GIS and Data Management Plan

Sylvie Ladet

  • Geomatics engineer at Dynafor
  • (INRAE-INPT, France)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Acquisition of geolocalized data and integration into geographic information systems commonly known as GIS. Development of spatial analysis and restitution of phenomena taking place on a given territory
  • In Bendys also, responsable of Intranet EndCore

Emilie Lerigoleur

  • Geomatics engineer at GEODE
  • (CNRS-University of Toulouse, France)
  • ResearchGate profile
  • Spatial data management and analyses (GIS) and open science skills
  • In Bendys, responsible of the Data Management Plan

Bonjour ! Je suis un mécanicien qui aspire à devenir acteur, et voici mon site. J’habite à Bordeaux, j’ai un super chien baptisé Russell, et j’aime la vodka-ananas (ainsi qu’être surpris par la pluie soudaine lors de longues balades sur la plage au coucher du soleil).

… ou quelque chose comme cela :

La société 123 Machin Truc a été créée en 1971, et n’a cessé de proposer au public des machins-trucs de qualité depuis lors. Située à Saint-Remy-en-Bouzemont-Saint-Genest-et-Isson, 123 Machin Truc emploie 2 000 personnes, et fabrique toutes sortes de bidules super pour la communauté bouzemontoise.

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